By being able to stock up on drinkingwater, people in rural communities in frontline areas can stay in the relative #safety of bombshelters for longer periods of time. Without drinkingwater containers people are forced to go outside more often to get water and expose themselves to the dangers of shelling.

Thanks to our partner EuroMouldings we are able to help people stay a little safer.

Thanks to our loyal #donorsLifeLine stays true to the core #principles of operation that have defined our work from the first day of operation on thye 4th of March 2022:
•Working demand-driven. This means that we first determine in Ukraine what the need is, where it is, and how we can get there with our help.
•Focusing on those areas where large-scale aid does not come (largely the rural areas of the Oblasts of #Chernihiv#Sumy#Kharkiv#Zaporizhya#Kherson#Mykolaiv).
•Delivering #aid through our own fully controlled supply chain. We arrange the transport ourselves and control the distribution from the origin to the final recipient of the aid.
•Securing #compliance by documenting the distribution process with photos, videos, and receipts.
•Personally knowing and vetting all our #Ukrainian partners.
•Spending substantial time in the field in #Ukraine to ensure compliance with the above principles. 
•Working on a #probono basis in The Netherlands. Every euro donated ends up in Ukraine in the form of aid. LLU has no overhead cost in The Netherlands, such as: office costs, salary costs, administration costs and the like.

A great thank you to: Paul Jacob BinsTina Zwoferink-EnserinkWim Tijhuis and the EuroMouldings team!