What makes LifeLine Ukraine unique?
This is a question most people ask. One of the things that makes LLU unique is its presence in the field, there where the need in Ukraine is...
The good stuff keeps on coming! Another “LifeLine Ukraine – People4People – Tony’s Chocolonely – Patriot co-creation”:)
Chocolate and chocolate milk that will be handed out to refugee kids during their first moment of freedom upon arrival at the Patriot refugee...
Just before curfew (usually at 2200 hrs) you see cars and people speeding home through a pitch dark city.
Only with a special permit are you allowed to be outside during the curfew. In Western Ukraine the curfew regime is much more relaxed than in...
This is what a local Red Cross operation looks like.
The local (city and town) Red Cross organizations often help us with the last-mile distribution to the people in need.
A moment of happiness for hundreds of children.
In cooperation with People4People, Tony's Chocolonely, and Makro (M&Ms), Refugee NGO Patriot, and the Red Cross of Zaporizhya we were fortunate...
The children who arrive at the refugee centres are traumatised after having spent months under fire and in bomb shelters.
At the NGO Patriot at the refugee centre in Zaporizhya, Inna Lukyanova and her friend Svetlana Vasilyuk run an operation that takes care of the...
Too close for comfort…
This morning at 5 AM we heard a far away explosion while we were loading the car before starting our trip from Zaporizhya to Mikolaiv. Later we...